The Development of Competency Scale for Head Nurses, Vajira Hospital

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จารุพรรณ ลีละยุทธโยธิน
จารุพรรณ ลีละยุทธโยธิน


This descriptive research aimed to develop head nurses’ competency assessment which was consistent with hospital vision, and mission in Vajira hospital.
The study was conducted in two steps. The first step was to develop a competency scale by synthesis and analysis on competency factors which were derived from seven experts’ interview and consideration of factors. Competency checklist and behaviors checklist, then create a behavioral competency rating scale using rubric criteria. The second step was to examine the quality of competency scales by analyzing content validity of 5 professionals and measuring observation stability of 15 pairs applying a scale to assess 15 head nurses. Data were analyzed using statistics
of percentage, standard deviation, and content analysis.
The results were as following.
1. The head nurses’ competency scales consist of 4 factors of 20 competency items; 1) leadership (7 items), 2) management (6 items), 3) service quality
development (4 items), and 4) communication and relationship (3 items).
2. The quality of the developed competency scales showed construct validity level at 0.86 and observation reliability level at 0.85.

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How to Cite
ลีละยุทธโยธิน จ, ลีละยุทธโยธิน จ. The Development of Competency Scale for Head Nurses, Vajira Hospital. KJN [Internet]. 2018 Jan. 11 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];24(2):98-112. Available from:
Research Articles


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