Needs Assessment of Health Services among Health Customers in Outpatient Department Service, Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University and Hospitals under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration

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บุญทิวา สู่วิทย์
ขจี พงศธรวิบูลย์
กฤษณา กลิ่นสมิทธิ์


The descriptive-evaluative research aimed to study a needs assessment of health services among 3,849 health customers in Outpatient Department Services,
Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University and Hospitals under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. The instrument was the need assessment questionnaire. The content validity of the questionnaire was verified using Index Objective Congruence (IOC) = 1. Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient was 0.772. Demographic data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and needs were categorized with the Prioritization Needs Index (PNI Modified).
The study found that the overall services of the ten hospitals would be able to meet the needs of the customers at the high to the highest level. The findings
showed the needs of the customers in four main groups: 1) Place and facilitiesaspect. The customers needed lounge areas, chairs, parking services for picking up and delivery, free water, newspapers, other documents, televisions for provide instruction and entertainment, and clean restrooms. 2) Waiting times aspect.
The customers needed a short time service each unit such as the identification card unit, examination unit, pharmacy room, and transferring unit. 3) Staff aspect. Staff should be enough to provide care for the customers with smiling and 4) Instruments and equipment aspect. Sufficient and modern equipment should be provided.

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How to Cite
สู่วิทย์ บ, พงศธรวิบูลย์ ข, กลิ่นสมิทธิ์ ก. Needs Assessment of Health Services among Health Customers in Outpatient Department Service, Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University and Hospitals under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. KJN [internet]. 2018 Jan. 11 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];24(2):82-97. available from:
Research Articles


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