Relationship between Selected Factors and Life Congruence of Student Nurses, Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College

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สุภาวดี เครือโชติกุล
รัชณีย์ ป้อมทอง


To develop the student nurses’ competency based on the Thai Qualification Framework for Nursing. Nursing students should have the Life Congruence.
This descriptive research aimed to examine life congruence and to investigate the correlation of selected factors and the life congruence of nursing students in
the Faculty of Nursing of Saint Louis College. The population collected from October 1-15, 2015 from among 354 the second to the fourth year nursing students. The research instruments comprised a demographic data form, reasoning – oriented child rearing form, instructor social support form, life experience form, and the life congruence form. Reliability of instruments by using Cronbach’ s Alpha Coefficient were .88, .89, .89, and .83 respectively. Data was analyzed by using descriptive statistic and Pearson’s coefficient of correlation. The research findings showed that:
1) The overall mean score of Life Congruence was at rather high level (x = 104.38, S.D = 1.30). 2) Factor of reasoning-oriented child rearing, and instructor social support had a significantly positive low level in relation with the Life Congruence at 0.01
(r =.318 and .181 respectively). Additionally, factor of life experience was not correlated with the Life Congruence.

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How to Cite
เครือโชติกุล ส, ป้อมทอง ร. Relationship between Selected Factors and Life Congruence of Student Nurses, Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College. KJN [Internet]. 2018 Jan. 10 [cited 2025 Jan. 15];24(2):36-50. Available from:
Research Articles


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