Relationships between Pain, Sleep Quality, Depressive Symptoms, and Fatigue in Post Stroke Patients

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อวยพร สวัสดี
สุนิดา ปรีชาวงษ์
ชนกพร จิตปัญญา


The descriptive correlation research aimed to investigate fatigue in stroke patients and to study the relationships among pain, sleep quality, depressive
symptoms and fatigue in post stroke patients. The conceptual framework was based on the Piper’s Integrated Fatigue Model. A convenient sample of 140 post stroke patients was recruited from the neurology outpatient departments in three tertiary hospitals. All participants responded to a set of five questionnaires: demographic characteristics questionnaire, the Pain scale, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale, and the Fatigue Severity Scale. All instruments were tested for content validity by 5 experts, and their reliability were .61, 84, and .92 respectively. Frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Pearson’s correlation were used in data analysis. The study findings can be summarized
as follows:
1. The average Fatigue Severity Scale score for the sample of stroke patients was 4.03 (S.D = 1.43) About 55.70 percent of the sample reported fatigue.
2. Pain, sleep quality, and depressive symptoms were significantly correlated with fatigue in stroke patients (r =.35, r = .53, r = .56; p-value <0 .01)

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How to Cite
สวัสดี อ, ปรีชาวงษ์ ส, จิตปัญญา ช. Relationships between Pain, Sleep Quality, Depressive Symptoms, and Fatigue in Post Stroke Patients. KJN [internet]. 2018 Jan. 10 [cited 2025 Feb. 9];24(2):7-22. available from:
Research Articles


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