Transcranial direct current stimulation in individuals with stroke


  • Wanalee Klomjai
  • Benchaporn Aneksan


tDCS, stroke, motor performance, rehabilitation, telemedicine


Transcranial direct current stimulations have been used as an add-on therapy in stroke rehabilitation in several research studies. tDCS can change cortical excitability with a positive after-effect. Most studies in ischemic stroke (acute, subacute and chronic phases) reported that tDCS with motor training improved upper and lower limbs motor performance with no serious adverse event reported. As tDCS can change the cerebral blood flow, it is not recommended for usage in the acute phase of hemorrhagic stroke. Adverse effects of tDCS are mainly skin irritation which often disappear after tDCS removal. tDCS is portable and easy to use in a clinical setting or as a home-based intervention combined with training. It has a potential to be incorporated into telemedicine in stroke rehabilitation. To date, it is still important to determine optimal dosing used in differences phases of stroke and in patients with difference levels of motor deficit in further studies to provide greater clinical benefit.


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How to Cite

Klomjai W, Aneksan B. Transcranial direct current stimulation in individuals with stroke. J Thai Stroke Soc [internet]. 2021 Aug. 24 [cited 2025 Feb. 15];20(2):16. available from:



Review article