Comparison of two patient-specific VMAT QA systems: Portal Dosimetry versus ArcCHECK phantom


  • Kananan Utitsarn Department of Radiotherapy, Lopburi Cancer Hospital, Lopburi, Thailand
  • Thepphithak Watthanasarn Department of Radiotherapy, Lopburi Cancer Hospital, Lopburi, Thailand
  • Jeerawat Pimthong Department of Radiotherapy, Lopburi Cancer Hospital, Lopburi, Thailand
  • Komkrit Krongkietlearts Department of Radiotherapy, Lopburi Cancer Hospital, Lopburi, Thailand
  • Chonlathorn Pihusut Department of Radiotherapy, Lopburi Cancer Hospital, Lopburi, Thailand
  • Wirasinee Chaloemchawalit Department of Radiotherapy, Lopburi Cancer Hospital, Lopburi, Thailand
  • Jitlada Jitmon Department of Radiotherapy, Lopburi Cancer Hospital, Lopburi, Thailand


ArcCHECK, Patient-specific QA, VMAT


Background: Due to the complexity of the VMAT dose distribution, the implementation of pre-treatment verification is an essential process in clinical practice to ensure that the accuracy radiation dose is delivered to the patient as planned.

Objective: To compare the VMAT pre-treatment QA results for head and neck cancer and prostate cancer using Portal Dosimetry system (PDs) and ArcCHECK phantom with difference gamma evaluation criteria.

Materials and Methods:  The 30 VMAT plans of head and neck site and prostate site were created for verification plans on two different QA systems; PDs and ArcCHECK. Thirty plans each with 3 arcs were delivered on the EPIDs of the Varian Clinac iX and on ArcCHECK phantom. The measured planar dose matrices were compared with planned dose and were analyzed using global gamma evaluation with the criteria of 3%/3mm, 3%/2mm and 2% /2mm.

Results:  The average passing rate of head and neck cases measured by PDs and ArcCHECK using 3%/3mm was 97.91±0.93% and 97.81±0.81%, respectively. When using 3%/2mm and 2%/2mm, the average passing rate measured by PDs was 95.65±0.83% and 76.48±2.55%, while the results measured by ArcCHECK was 96.63±0.77% and 79.77±2.11%, respectively. Similar trend of the results was observed for prostate cases; however, the higher passing rate was detected due to lesser complexity in prostate plan. The average passing rate measured by PDs and ArcCHECK using 3%/3mm was 99.10±0.86% and 99.56±0.47%, respectively. When using 3%/2mm, the passing rate of 98.11±1.02% and 98.67±0.90% was observed for PDs and ArcCHECK, respectively. The passing rate decreased to 97.05±0.82% for PDs and 97.46±0.68% for ArcCHECK when 2%/2mm was applied.

Conclusion: The gamma passing rates of PDs are comparable to those of the ArcCHECK measurements for all gamma criteria. There distinctive differences are observed when the stringent gamma criteria are applied.


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How to Cite

Utitsarn K, Watthanasarn T, Pimthong J, Krongkietlearts K, Pihusut C, Chaloemchawalit W, Jitmon J. Comparison of two patient-specific VMAT QA systems: Portal Dosimetry versus ArcCHECK phantom. J Thai Assn of Radiat Oncol [internet]. 2021 May 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];27(1):R54-R66. available from:



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