
  • Titaree Suwannalai Division of Radiology, Uttaradit Hospital


Objectives: To review historical and current published studies on prevention and management of acute radiation dermatitis. Data sources: Research studies, Review articles, Standard text books Conclusion: The literature showed no standard recommendation for the use of specifi c topical agents for prevention or management of acute radiation dermatitis. The researches studied on aloe vera gel, biafi ne cream, almond ointment, chamomile cream, Thêta-Cream® and topical vitamin E cream demonstrated negative results for prevention and reduction of radiation induced skin alteration. Some evidence suggested the use of topical steroid, topical sucralfate/ sucralfate derivatives, hyaluronic acid cream and MDS065D. However, more studies are needed to support the fi rm recommendation.


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How to Cite

Suwannalai T. PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT OF ACUTE RADIATION DERMATITIS BY THE TOPICAL AGENTS : A LITERATURE REVIEW. J Thai Assn of Radiat Oncol [Internet]. 2010 Jun. 29 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];16(1):27-40. Available from:



Review articles