Health Literacy and COVID-19 Preventive Behaviors Among Undergraduate Students at Payap University


  • Kanyapat Chaeye McCormick Faculty of Nursing, Payap University
  • On-Anong Thammajinda McCormick Faculty of Nursing, Payap University
  • Supaporn Chongkhamang McCormick Faculty of Nursing, Payap University


Health Literacy, Prevention behaviors, COVID-19


This survey research aimed to investigate the relationships between health literacy on COVID-19 and the preventive behaviors of undergraduate students at Payap University, Chiang Mai Province, using Nutbeam's health literacy framework. The sample consisted of 175 first-year undergraduate students selected using Krejcie & Morgan's sample size estimation table and stratified random sampling to ensure equal representation from each faculty. Data were collected using an online questionnaire via Google Forms and analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson's correlation.

The results revealed that most students had moderate overall COVID-19 health literacy, with moderate levels of access to information, knowledge and understanding of preventive measures, and media literacy. Self-management and decision-making skills were low. Preventive behaviors were also moderate, with low levels of protective behaviors within families and close contacts. Health literacy had a significant positive correlation with preventive behaviors (r=.615, p<0.001).

Therefore, educational institutions should use these findings to incorporate content on COVID-19 prevention and emerging infectious diseases into their curricula for students, emphasizing accurate information, reliable sources, and critical thinking. Decision-making and self-management skills should also be emphasized.


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How to Cite

Chaeye, K., Thammajinda, O.-A., & Chongkhamang, S. (2024). Health Literacy and COVID-19 Preventive Behaviors Among Undergraduate Students at Payap University. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 30(1), 81–96. Retrieved from



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