Development of Self-Leadership among Registered Nurses after COVID - 19 Pandemic
Development, Self-Leadership, Registered nurseAbstract
Self-leadership is self-leading behaviors with awareness and self-goal setting. It arises from self-empowerment that can be evaluated and create inner power, understand one’s direction, and recognize one's role in the organization. Having trained and developed self-leadership, ones shall increase self-outcome, efficiency in all aspects, visions, prompt to respond and adaptations to changes. After the pandemic of COVID-19, registered nurses should have self-leadership in order to keep up with changes in practice, integrate new technologies to enhance work efficiency and quality of healthcare services within contemporary ways of daily life. Apparently, registered nurses apply technologies and innovations in healthcare services to move on to new normal life. Moving toward a new normal way of life. Clients can increasingly and conveniently access health information that improve quality and safety health services. Consequently, clients obtain quality and safe healthcare services. Registered nurses are important in the quality development of health services and organizations. In promoting strategies of Self-Leadership, the emphasis is on developing behavior-focused strategies, natural reward strategies, and constructive thought pattern strategies. These would lead to capacity development and competency of registered nurses to provide adequate health care services and respond to clients’ needs. These also lead to a quality of service to achieve the organization's goals with the changes in the new normal era.
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บทความที่ได้รับการตีพิมพ์เป็นลิขสิทธิ์ของสมาคมพยาบาลแห่งประเทศไทยฯ สาขาภาคเหนือ
เนื้อหาและข้อคิดเห็นใดๆ ที่ตีพิมพ์ในวารสารสมาคมพยาบาลฯ ถือเป็นความรับผิดชอบของผู้เขียนเท่านั้น ผู้เขียนบทความต้องศึกษารายละเอียดหลักเกณฑ์การจัดทำต้นฉบับตามที่วารสารกำหนด และเนื้อหาส่วนภาษาอังกฤษต้องได้รับการตรวจสอบจากเจ้าของภาษามาแล้ว