The Development of Health Promotion Model for Transitioning from Home-Bound to Social-bound Elders in Songkhla Province


  • Narong Douangparn Songkhla Provincial Health Office
  • Kittiporn Nawsuwan Boromarajonani College of Nursing, SongKhla
  • Ratchanok Traiwan Kho Hong Health Promoting Hospital


Health Promotion Activities, Home-Bond Elders, Social Participation


This developmental research aimed to determine health problems, healthcare need, social activity participation among home-bound elders in Songkhla province, build and develop an activity model, and examine the effect of model application. The implementation consisted of 3 phases. Phase 1 was the study of problems, needs, and social activity participation in 400 elders. The instruments were a need and social activity participation questionnaires with Cronbach Alpha Coefficient of .926 and .953 respectively. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics. Phase 2 was building and developing an activity model using the study results of phase 1 and literature reviews to draft a model which was validated by experts. Phase 3 was the study of the effects of model application using one group pre-test post-test quasi-experiment. The samples were 60 home-bound elders participating in a model-based program for 4 times. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics.

Research results were found as follows;

1. Health problems of home-bound elders in Songkhla province were underlying diseases (77.25%) including diabetes and hypertension, good health status (46.00%), hearing problem (60.25%), needs for care givers (89.25%). Healthcare need of homebound elders was at a high level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 4.21, SD=0.47). Social activity participation of home-bound elders was at a moderate level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.65, SD=1.20).

2. Model of health promotion activities for home-bound to social bound elders in Songkhla province composed of 5 activities: 1) education, 2) elderly meeting and model presentation, 3) demonstration and practice of self-care, 4) sharing, 5) home visit and reinforcement.

3. After applying a model, 23.3%. of the elders were changed from home-bound to social bound. Home-bound elders were reduced to 76.7%. The satisfaction of elders towards the activity model was at a moderate level (gif.latex?\bar{x} = 3.49, SD=0.29).

The findings can be used as guidelines of health promotion for home-bound elders, which is a channel of both healthcare and communication among the elders. It is suggested that activity implementations and evaluations of satisfaction should be continued for further effective development.

Author Biography

Kittiporn Nawsuwan, Boromarajonani College of Nursing, SongKhla

Thailand Citation Index Centre


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How to Cite

Douangparn, N., Nawsuwan, K., & Traiwan, R. . (2020). The Development of Health Promotion Model for Transitioning from Home-Bound to Social-bound Elders in Songkhla Province. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 26(1), 112–128. Retrieved from



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