Clinical Risk Manangement for Maternal Safety During Intrapartum
Risk management, Patient safety, Intrapartum careAbstract
Maternal safety during hospitalizes is the significant goal of health care system development in Thailand. However, the incidences of medical liability were founded. The 69 obstetrics care liabilities were specified for 41 cases in advance/ standard hospital level and 28 cases at the community hospital level. According to the studied, the causes of providers liability were dead from neglect or abandon and lack of standard care practice. The literature reviews regarding the obstertric liability definded intrapartum care errors includes the fetal monitoring assessment and interpretation mistakes, the incorrect technic for birth of the shoulder dystocia, lack of resuscitation staff and instruments, diagnostic mistakes, the medical treatment for uterus stimulation in previous cesarean section, loss of follow up or delay laboratory analysis, inappropriate perineum suturing and delay suture healing, were causes of those errors. Therefore, the Ministry of Public Health launched the “Patient Safety” as the fundamental of health care. The objective of the policy focusing on minimizing risk or unsatisfied hazards from medical practice error to the acceptable risk. The risk management is the important strategy of patient safety. The corporations of all levels of providers to improve maternal safety standard practice guidelines was a need for their organization. These includes the stages of risk identification, risk assessment, risk management, and risk monitoring, were the specific standard of Safe Motherhood.
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