Pain Management in Labor Based on the Neuromatrix Theory
Neuromatrix theory, Pain management, LaborAbstract
Labor pain is the feeling of pressuring and suffering for laboring women. They may feel uncomfortable, stressful, anxious, fatigued and exhausted both physically and mentally. When entering the delivery period, they will have consistent uterine contraction resulted in the cervical dilatation, the baby and placenta coming out laeding to labor pain. Thus, labor pain caused anxiety and stress of laboring women. In addition, fear is related to the progress of labor. Pain management is the activities to reduce these feelings. Pain management composes of pain assessment and treatment both pharmacology and non-pharmacology. Non-pharmacology treatment includes massage, aromatherapy, music therapy, movement and changing position, that was explained by the neuromatrix theory. Pain management is an independent role of nurses in labor room. The objective of the paper is to describe the pain definition, labor pain mechanism, labor pain management based on the neuromatrix theory, nurses’ role and pregnancy woman’s role. Nurses in the labor room should know about pain management in the delivery room to help and support the laboring women to cope with labor pain appropriately.
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