Reviewing Basic of Nursing Knowledge towards to present for Sustainable Development


  • Siriratana Juntaramano McCormick Faculty of Nursing, Payap University
  • Poonpilat Rojanasupot McCormick Faculty of Nursing, Payap University
  • Pimkanabhon Trakooltorwong Faculty of Nursing, Ratchathani University, Ubon Ratchathani


Reviewing basic of nursing knowledge, Sustainable development


The purpose of this article is to invite nurses to review nurses’tacit knowledge, to conduct knowledge management and revealing in the process of explicit knowledge. In Florence Nightingale’s Environmental Theory which were cultural heritage professions, bedside nursing by applying the nursing process and holistic health care of Thai indigenous medicine that originated before the Leiningers’ theory of cultural care diversity and universality. Moreover, practicing in Buddhism; precepts, meditation, wisdom, and the Yonisomanasikara principle and practicing in Christians, teach them to act wisely with the opportunity to benefit and make the best as well as to Jesus. Developments both sides of the brain on daily life by using both hands at the same time, reviewing knowledge with a saint’s heart (Su-Chi-Pu-Li) and manipulation of language according to Thai principles can help the author to write academic articles correctly, clearly and concretely. These affect learning behaviors of learners in the 21st century (learners, co-creators and active citizens) as a way to professional development and sustainable nursing innovative.


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How to Cite

Juntaramano, S., Rojanasupot, P., & Trakooltorwong, P. (2020). Reviewing Basic of Nursing Knowledge towards to present for Sustainable Development. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 26(1), 27–40. Retrieved from



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