The process of treatment among drug dependent patient


  • ศิริรัตน์ นิตยวัน McCormick Faculty of Nursing, Payap University
  • นภัสสรณ์ รังสิเวโรจน์ Thanyarak Chiang Mai Hospital
  • อรัญญา แพจุ้ย Thanyarak Chiang Mai Hospital


Drug dependent, Treatment


Consumption of illicit drugs is a global issue. Thailand is one of many countries that have a large number of illicit drugs dependent. Drug abuse has both direct and indirect effects on drug users. The direct effect is the deterioration of physical and mental health, while the indirect effects involve people around them as a result of their behavior. Not only are they unable to hold their job or to take care of themselves, which will turn into a burden on society, but there is also the risky behavior of drug dependent which is harmful.

This article presents knowledge of addictive substances, causes of addiction, and drug addiction mechanisms. It is also presents the treatment guidelines for drug users in Thailand which are starting from screening and rate for the severity of addiction. The patients on drugs were sent for treatment according to the severity level of addicted. The treatment may varies in duration and has wide variety of treatments for drug dependent patients but the most important treatment is a continuum of monitoring and control system, and the follow up to community level. These are vital parts to help those who undergo therapy to live without returning to drugs. In order to provide appropriate and continuity of care, the healthcare personnel who are involved in the care of drug dependent patients should have the knowledge of treatment guidelines. Therefore the patients are able to receive effective treatment and ongoing care and can prepare themselves to return to community.


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How to Cite

นิตยวัน ศ., รังสิเวโรจน์ น., & แพจุ้ย อ. (2018). The process of treatment among drug dependent patient. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 24(1), 15–27. Retrieved from



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