The Prevalence of Lice Infestation among the Female Studentsatthe Samakompayabanthai School, Songkwae District, Nan Province.


  • เกสร ฟุ่มเฟือย โรงพยาบาลน่าน จังหวัดน่าน
  • ปานใจ กันยะมี โรงพยาบาลน่าน จังหวัดน่าน


The aims of thisdescriptive research were to find out the prevalence of head lice infestation among the female students in the Samakompayabanthaischool,So ngkwae district,Nan province and also to find out the behavior of hair care and family status in social economic and environment.The sample were female students who were studying in year 1-6, had age between 7–13 years and had head and hair examination been recordedinindividual health book continuing from year 2013-2014. The instruments were the individual health examination recordedbook, the questionnaire of head and hair caring behaviors and the general basic questions of house hole economic and environmental.The questionnaires content validity index was 0.83. The data were analyzed by using frequency, percentageand average.

The results were 134 female students who had continued recorded of head examination in year 2013 and 2014. The results showed therate of female students who have head lice in each years were 41.04 and 22.35 percentage respectively. The group of students in primary class (year 1-4) have head lice more than the students in secondary class (year 5-6).whichin year 2013 were 24.61% and 16.41% respectively. In year 2014 were 17.89and 4.46 respectively. The female students in year 4 -6 have hair shampooedevery other day and everyday were 60.71% and 14.28% respectively and hair shampooed once in a weekwas 25%. The rate of bedding cleaned up onceper month and twice times permonth had 50% each. The status of house hold were found that mostly parents were farmer (86.40%), family income per year less than 20,000 bahts were 25.60%, between 20,000-50,000 bahts were 53.69% and more than 50,000 bahts were 20.80%. The mothers never studied were 66.94%, finished primary school and secondary school were 18.55% and 13.71% respectively.The families have cleaned water enough for use 54.48 % and have not enoughfor use 45.16%. The cleaned water for drinking have enough 74.40% and have not enough 25.60%.


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How to Cite

ฟุ่มเฟือย เ., & กันยะมี ป. (2016). The Prevalence of Lice Infestation among the Female Studentsatthe Samakompayabanthai School, Songkwae District, Nan Province. Journal of Nurses Association of Thailand Northern Office, 22(1), 46–54. Retrieved from



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