Accuracy of Cardiovascular risk assessment in patients with Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension by J-target application


  • Montein Pounavatr Public Health Officer, Nakornping hospital


Cardiovascular risk, Area-based CV risk, Thai CV Risk score, JHCIS, J-Target


Objectives : To study and analyze accuracy of cardiovascular risk assessment in patients with Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension by J-target software, compare with color chart of Thai CV Risk score and study the effectiveness of the J-Target software in finding inputs for calculating the cardiovascular risk assessment.

Methods : The cross-sectional analytical study was analyzed from database on JHCIS in Primary care unit of Nakornping hospital, as well as patient chart. The associating factors are age, sex, patient of DM, smoking, systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, and obesity. We import factors and analyze cardiovascular risk from J-Target software compared with color chart of Thai CV Risk score (double-check methods for gold standard).

Result : Total of 11,345 patients. The correspondence between J-Target software and color chart. was 100% and also 100%  in all cardiovascular risk level. Then, we analyze the accuracy of J-Target software and found that J-Target software can retrieve same factors as Thai CV Risk score program did. The results distinguish to sensitivity (100%), specificity (100%), PPV (100%)  NPV (100%) and effective in searching for input data for calculating the cardiovascular risk assessment. The analysis found that the patients were at low risk 42.94%, moderate 24.01%, high 6.06%, very high 1.63%, and dangerous 0.74% while incomplete data were 24.62%.

Conclusion :  We suggest that J-Target application can perform area-based cardiovascular risk assessment with strong accuracy and credibility.


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How to Cite

Pounavatr, M. . (2021). Accuracy of Cardiovascular risk assessment in patients with Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension by J-target application. Journal of Nakornping Hospital, 12(2), 68–80. Retrieved from



Research article