The Effects of the new diabetes mellitus disease care program for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Chiang Kham Hospital, Phayao Province


  • Nonglak Thepprasane Chiangkham Hospital


new diabetes mellitus disease of care program, cardiovascular risk score


Objective: To study the effect the new diabetes mellitus disease care programfor reducingthe risk of cardiovascular disease.

Method: This research was a quasi-experimental with single group, before and after design. The sample size was 96 new cases of diabetic mellitus disease who attended at Specialty clinic. Chiang Kham Hospital, Phayao Province, during April-July 2021.The instruments used in this study consisted of tools for collecting personal general data, health behavior assessment form and the new diabetic mellitus care program for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. General data ware analyzed using descriptive statistics presented in distribution of frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation, and comparative data on cardiovascular risk score before and after entering the new diabetes mellitus care program were analyzed by pair t-test.

Result: Total 96 cases were male 39 cases, female 57 cases and mean age 53.4±9.26 years. The result showed that before program, very well health behaviors was 22.9% after the program increased to 34.4%, mean health behavior score after the program was 30.36±3.20 higher than before program, 27.66±4.84, p<.05 (t= -7.89), the number of high risk level of cardiovascular disease before program was 15.60%, after program decreased to 6.30% and mean of the risk of cardiovascular disease before program was 12.38±6.62 after program 9.81±4.96 that were significantly decreased,  p<.05 (t=6.31).

Conclusion : The care programofnew diabetes mellitus diseaseis usefuland supposed to be used this program as a health care guideline.


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How to Cite

Thepprasane, N. . (2021). The Effects of the new diabetes mellitus disease care program for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Chiang Kham Hospital, Phayao Province . Journal of Nakornping Hospital, 12(2), 125–136. Retrieved from



Research article