Access to health services for cancer patients Nakornping Hospital


  • Rattanamala Tiemtanom Nakornping Hospital


access to health services, cancer patients, cancer center Nakornping Hospital


     Cancer is a major public health problem for people all over the world including Thailand and most cancer patients have difficulty accessing health services. This study aimed to study the needs and access to health services of cancer patients, factors affecting on access to health services, and to propose guidelines for improvement on health services access. The study design was a quantitative research. The study participants were cancer patients who admitted to the cancer center Nakornping Hospital during 19 October - 20 November 2020: 279 cases in total. Data were retrieved from documents and interview form. Qualitative data were analyzed with content analysis and quantitative data were analyzed with statistical packages such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and multiple regression analysis.

      The results of the study showed that need for help from a cancer illness was found. Most of the patients wanted a mobile hospital service unit to reach the community / visit the patient's home (73.1%), followed by an increase in access channels for treatment in nearby healthcare facilities (66.7%) and education about cancer (63.1%). On the overall access to health services of cancer patients, it was found that the very level. ( =3.31). Also found marital status factors and the economic status of the family (Beta = -0.247 and Beta = 0.183) affect the access to health services of cancer patients statistically significant at 0.05. Therefore, in order for cancer patients to have access to the services of a cancer center Nakhonping Hospital has more should add service points and pick-up times for patients to the cancer center, Focus on public relations on proactive community-level access to cancer rights and coordinate with community agencies to provide patients with fair and comprehensive access to services.


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How to Cite

Tiemtanom, R. . . (2020). Access to health services for cancer patients Nakornping Hospital. Journal of Nakornping Hospital, 11(2). Retrieved from



Research article