Effect of using NEWS to Surveillance for Variations Change and Warning signs for Patients at Emergency Room Nakornping Hospital, Chiangmai Province


  • Wanpen Suphatrakul Nursing Organisation, Nakornping hospital
  • Kannika Donlao Nursing Organisation, Nakornping hospital
  • Parnrutai Mahawan Nursing Organisation, Nakornping hospital


NEWS score, monitoring, change of warning signs, ER


This quasi-experimental research, one group pre-posttest design, aimed to examine the effect of NEWS score to surveillance for variations of changes  and warning signs  for patients, to compare mean score of the knowledge and practice  of nurses  between before and after program implementation and to examine the nurse’s satisfaction. Population were 37 nurses, selected by purposive sampling at Emergency room, Nakornping hospital, Chiangmai province and patients who visited at Emergency room during January- March 2020, 1,913 patients . Research tools were pre and posttest questionnaire of knowledge and practice of NEWS score to detect variations of changes and warning signs and nurse’s satisfaction questionnaire.  Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics paired t- test.

The results found that the mean score of the knowledge and practice of NEWS score was significantly increased after receiving program training at p-value < 0.05,  (t = -3.76 and t = -3.44). Nurse’s satisfaction who use NEWS score surveillance for variations of changes and warning signs was at high level. Patients under NEWS score program implementation at Emergency room were on endotracheal tube rate 1.92%, CPR rate 0.47% and death in 24-hour rate 1.92%.

Using the NEWS score to monitor the changes of warning signs can help nurses at ED triage and report for early treatment to prevent patients going into a critical condition.


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How to Cite

Suphatrakul, W., Donlao, K., & Mahawan, P. (2020). Effect of using NEWS to Surveillance for Variations Change and Warning signs for Patients at Emergency Room Nakornping Hospital, Chiangmai Province. Journal of Nakornping Hospital, 11(1). Retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jnkp/article/view/242405



Research article