The Foot Care Behaviors of Diabetic Patients Receiving Services at Dararassamee Hospital
foot care behaviors diabetic typeIIAbstract
This cross-sectional descriptive research is aimed to study the foot care behaviors and relationship between individual factors and diabetic foot care behaviors in diabetic patients at Dararassamee hospital. The eligible participants were diabetic type2 patients at the diabetic clinic during November 2019-February 2020, who can read and understand Thai language and willing to participate the study. The questionnaires were used as the research tool, which had an Index of Item-Objective Congruence ;0.93, The reliability of Cronbach alpha coefficient; 0.89. Data analysis using frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation when relevant. To analysis of correlation, chi-square and Pearson’s correlation were used.
According to the study, the overall of a foot care behavior score of diabetic patients was at the moderate level; mean±SD 1.95±0.53. The highest mean score of the behavior was to clean the feet immediately after getting dirty; 2.71±0.64 and putting on shoes every time when going out; 2.70±0.73 respectively. The lowest mean score of behavior was to massage the feet or stretch the leg and feet every day; 1.12±1.02.
The biosocial facto had related to the foot care behavior; p<0.05. In the health factors, the duration of disease had positive correlation with the foot care behavior; r = .164. while smoking was statistically significant correlated to the foot care behavior; p<0.05.
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