Health literacy and health behavior in patients with uncontrolled blood sugar level or blood pressure: a case study of Nakornping Hospital, Chiang Mai


  • Montree Norasing


Health Literacy, Health Behavior


The descriptive research to study of health literacy and health behavior according to 3E.2S.-Health Literacy Scale of Thai Adult in Diabetic or Hypertension patients with uncontrolled blood sugar level or blood pressure is conducted. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the patients’ knowledge level in health literacy and health behavior for improving quality of patient’s health care. Participants consist of 126 Diabetic or Hypertension patients with uncontrolled blood sugar level or blood pressure who visited the family medicine clinic at Nakornping hospital from 17 December 2018 to 1 March 2019. Patients are asked to complete a questionnaire using 3E.2S.-Health Literacy Scale of Thai Adult (2018-revised edition). This questionnaire, with scoring criteria and interpretation, is designed by Health Education Section, Health Service Support Department, Ministry of Public Health. The qualitative measurement of the 3E.2S.-Health Literacy Scale in the focus group show that the overall Health literacy is fair (65.07%) which indicates that patients have enough health literacy and might had some proper health behavior. The scores of each components are as followed; Needed health knowledge and understanding 70.11%, Accessing information and services 61.11%, Communicating with professionals 63.39%, Managing their health condition 66.08%, Getting media and information literacy 59.52% and Making appropriate health decisions to good practice 71.30%. The Health behavior of the focus group was good (76.22%) indicates that patients had most proper behavior for their own health care. In conclusion, the results of this study suggests to provide health service accessibility which could systematically reinforce health literacy and self-management for both patients and care givers, especially in the lower score components, which are Needed health knowledge and understanding in exercise and emotional management, Getting media and information literacy, Food consumption and exercise behavior.


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How to Cite

Norasing, M. (2020). Health literacy and health behavior in patients with uncontrolled blood sugar level or blood pressure: a case study of Nakornping Hospital, Chiang Mai. Journal of Nakornping Hospital, 10(1). Retrieved from



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