Problems of end stage cancer patients: Challenges for development of palliative care
compassion fatigue, end-stage cancer, holistic care, palliative careAbstract
This review article addresses palliative care within the context of end-stage cancer care, highlighting the challenges and constraints faced by palliative teams providing care to patients at advanced stages of cancer and presenting innovative solutions to navigate these complex issues. The first section explores physical challenges, focusing on pain management, symptom control, and the intricacies of medication management. Psychological and emotional challenges are also discussed, emphasizing coping with grief and loss, addressing anxiety and depression, and facilitating difficult conversations while preserving patient dignity. Ethical and moral dilemmas of end-of-life decision-making, advance care planning, and the imperative of maintaining patient dignity are examined. Issues of effective communication, including breaking bad news, facilitating challenging conversations, and managing family dynamics and conflicts, are explored. Furthermore, the profound impact of end-stage cancer care on palliative care, including the risk of burnout and compassion fatigue, is examined. Practices and solutions are presented, showcasing innovative pain management techniques, psychosocial support interventions, ethics consultation services, communication skills training, and holistic approaches to end-of-life care. These strategies not only alleviate patient suffering but also nurture the well-being of palliative care providers. Finally, the article touches on future directions and research needs, highlighting emerging trends in palliative care and areas requiring further investigation. The conclusion underscores the vital role of palliative care, emphasizing the importance of education, interdisciplinary collaboration, support, and research in achieving improved end-of-life care for cancer patients.
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