The study of the body of knowledge of herniated disc treatment of a folk healer


  • จุฬาำ วิริยะบุบผา
  • ศราวุฒิ ภุมริน
  • ณัฐพร กิจจาสวัสดิ์
  • อรทัย เนียมสุวรรณ


folk healer, back pain, massage therapy, hernaited disc


This qualitative research aimed to study folk knowledge in herniated disc treatment
from Mr. Chum Khummanee, a folk healer in Songkhla provinve. It was carried out by in-depth
interview, participant observation and structured interview. The treatment process collected in
the study were compared to the royal massage and anatomical position. According to the folk
healer’s concept, it was found that herniated disc was initially caused by muscle or backbone
injury. If the disorder was not treated correctly, the nerves would be pressured by fascia. Then,
the wind element will be obstructed that it affected to the blood circulation in the body.
The final symptoms were presented with back pain, radicular pain to the area of the bottom
(Boh Luead), legs, and feet including with numbness. There were two treatment methods i.e.
1) massage treatment with stretching, and 2) herbal medicine, which were his own knowledge.
However, the treatment methods in each case probably varied depending on their severity
of symptoms. From the data analysis, folk-massage treatment conforms to the royal massage
pattern, both in basic and signal points of massage. In addition, the folk massage agrees with
those in anatomical position including muscles, tendons, blood vessels, and nerves.






How to Cite

วิริยะบุบผา จ, ภุมริน ศ, กิจจาสวัสดิ์ ณ, เนียมสุวรรณ อ. The study of the body of knowledge of herniated disc treatment of a folk healer. J Med Health Sci [Internet]. 2018 Dec. 28 [cited 2024 Dec. 19];25(3):14-29. Available from:



Original article (บทความวิจัย)