
Reviewers needed for EyeSEA! and website updates


Join us as a reviewer for EyeSEA!  

Fill in this form to help the EyeSEA Editorial team create a database of reviewers for the journal! 

Reviewers should be willing to commit to a 2 week deadline when requested for review and may be contacted to review two articles per year.   

There are no financial incentives awarded for reviewers, although we credit our reviewers in the Editorial board pages of every issue of EyeSEA and our website 

Reviewers must be a fully qualified ophthalmologist and preferably is a sub-specialist or has an interest in a certain sub-specialty field     


The EyeSEA Website has been completely updated a new layout to modernize and simplify the user interface - anyone with previous logins should be able to login using your existing usernames and passwords   It is necessary to register on the website in order to submit articles for publishing in EyeSEA or take part in the review / editorial process.    


Please find the new  EyeSEA website user's manual we have created for your reference in registering / submitting articles / responding to review feedback   we have selected the pages relevant for you, trimming the manual down to 16 pages, the original manual is also available for your reference.  

Call for papers! Accepting submissions for EyeSEA


EyeSEA is now open for submission!


Worried about being unable to submit an original study in time? Not a problem! Authors are encouraged to submit articles other than original studies and case reports. Clinical practice/knowledge review update and educational articles aimed at ophthalmology trainees and other healthcare professionals are also highly sought after.
Meanwhile, you can access our previous articles for FREE here

Any questions / comments please to contact us at aecomeye@gmail.com

Release of Eye South East Asia's debut issue



Dear Readers,
Eye South East Asia (EyeSEA, formerly known as Thammasat Thai Journal of Ophthalmology) is pleased to announce the release of our first issue, available online here. This issue contains 12 peer-reviewed articles ranging from case reports, original articles, health economics and public health, submitted by authors from across 6 countries in the South-East Asian region. EyeSEA is an open access journal, freely available on our website with hardcopies distributed to South-East Asian Ophthalmology societies and institutions. We hope that readers will find our published articles informative and relevant to their practices, and we look forward to releasing our next issue of EyeSEA in December 2017. 
To request a hard copy of EyeSEA to be included in your institution’s library, submit a letter to the editor, or for more information in submitting a manuscript for EyeSEA’s December 2017 issue – please contact us at aecomeye@gmail.com 

Tayakorn Kupakanjana
Managing Editor of EyeSEA