A model of holistic potential - development for the abused underprivileged children

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Saman Marksuk


The research combines both qualitative and quantitative methodologies with the
following objectives; (1 ) to study the problems of holistic potential-development of the
abused underprivileged children (2 ) to study patterns of activities for holistic potentialdevelopment for abused underprivileged children (3 ) to propose patterns of activities for holistic potential-development for abused underprivileged children. The selected groups of representative sample were: (1 ) the management team and community leaders who work with underprivileged children from both government and private sectors (14 people). (2 ) the workers with underprivileged children from both government and private sectors (6 people). (3) abused underprivileged children under care of government, private and public sectors (36 people). Tools used in this study were questionnaires, interviews, non-participant observation, conference discussions and informal discussions. Data was analyzed by qualitative content analysis and analysis of quantitative data with percentage and average results. The results of this study were concluded as follows: (1) Problems for potential development of the abused underprivileged children; in government sectors: there are not enough workers, workers lack of the skills of working with underprivileged children. In private sectors: parents do not have time to care for their children; children imitate the bad behavior and are at risk, lack of cooperation in helping the abused underprivileged children. (2) The current patterns of activities for holistic potential-development for the abused underprivileged children in government agencies, private sectors and public sectors mostly do not meet the needs of the children and do not focus on the holistic potentialdevelopment of children in the following aspects; physical, academic learning, social, emotional, mental, moral, spiritual, and life skills to solve problems through the crisis. (3) The researcher has proposed the patterns of activities for development of following aspects; physical, academic learning, social, emotional, mental, moral, spiritual and life skills to solve problems through the crisis. The results show that the children understand and have an awareness of physical development at the highest level while they understand the development of learning, social, emotional, mental, moral, spiritual and life skills to solve problems through the crisis at a high level. The researcher proposed a model for the holistic potential-development for abused underprivileged children in a “4 P's concept” which consists of Preparing / Providing / Protecting / Promoting.

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How to Cite
Marksuk, S. (2013). A model of holistic potential - development for the abused underprivileged children. International Journal of Child Development and Mental Health, 1(1), 46–56. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/cdmh/article/view/67047
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