Sharing Experience Of Scalp Acupuncture For Child Development And Jessie Golgi Reflex Point To Relief Spasticity

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Jessie Neoh
Choo Aun Neoh


Developmental disabilities including cognition, motor performance, vision, hearing and speech, and behavior are listed as major categories of developmental disability with corresponding (ICD)-10 codes. Treatment of these disorders can be difficult; treatment often involves a combination of professional therapy, pharmaceuticals, and home- and school-based programs. Traditional scalp acupuncture systems have been reported to be beneficial but do not include the Fusiform Face area treatment zone and the corpus callosum treatment zone, which the latest brain study found to be very important in child neurological development problem. 9 child patients, aged from 3 to 18 years old and corresponding (ICD)-10 codes, were treated with Neoh Scalp Acupuncture and Jessie Point to relieve their spasticity, with a five year follow up at our acupuncture clinic. The location of the Jessie Golgi Reflex Point is near the bicep muscle distal biceps tendon where the Golgi tendon organ is. No patients have dropped out of our five year acupuncture clinic follow up. They all still continue receiving treatment at our clinic as their parents found that their children continue to improve in every aspect of development. Interviews with their parents reported that most of their children’s disabilities and spasticity improved progressively. The Jessie Golgi Reflex Point showed immediate improvement in their spasticity, whereas the spasticity of adult stroke patients in our clinic also improved with Jessie Golgi Reflex Point massage. Most children’s disabilities were found to have hypoactive or hyperactive development at their Corpus Callosum, and Neoh Scalp Acupuncture specifically treated this area. Muscle spasticity was well treated with Jessie Golgi Reflex Point massage. This report is valuable for experienced acupuncturists in treatment of their own similar patients, and also for western trained physicians.

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How to Cite
Neoh, J., & Neoh, C. A. (2019). Sharing Experience Of Scalp Acupuncture For Child Development And Jessie Golgi Reflex Point To Relief Spasticity. International Journal of Child Development and Mental Health, 7(1), 43–54. retrieved from
Case reports


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