Interpretability and appropriate cut-off score of occiput-bed distance to indicate risk of hyperkyphosis in older adults

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Roongnapa Intaruk
Sirirut Multakorn
Wasunan Sornsamran
Metinee Yamtawech
Sugalya Amatachaya
Pipatana Amatachaya
Thiwabhorn Thaweewannakij


Background: Age-related hyperkyphosis has been described as a new geriatric syndrome. Therefore, early screening is critical. The occiput-bed distance (OBD) was developed as a new tool; however, there needed to be clear evidence supporting its clinical utility compared to the data from standard measurement.

Objective: To investigate the test-retest reliability and minimal detectable change (MDC) with standard measurement error (SEM). Moreover, the practical cut-off scores to determine the risk of hyperkyphosis are crucial compared to a standard Cobb’s method.

Materials and methods: This study was designed as a cross-sectional study conducted in ninety-six hyperkyphosis older adults aged at least 60 years. All participants were assessed for their hyperkyphosis using the OBD. Within seven days, they were at a hospital to complete a radiographic examination to determine the appropriate cut-off score of hyperkyphosis. Additionally, the first 30 participants were assessed for their hyperkyphosis again using the OBD to determine the interpretability.

Results: The outcomes of the OBD had excellent test-retest reliability (ICC 3,3 =0.887, p<0.001). The SEM and MDC95 values were 0.75 and 2.08 cm, respectively. In addition, the cut-off score of OBD was reported to be at least 7.40 cm (sensitivity 71.80%, specificity 73.70%, and AUC =0.734) to indicate the risk of hyperkyphosis.

Conclusion: The OBD is consistent, reliable, and has good diagnostic properties for hyperkyphosis. The findings confirm the use of OBD as a practical alternative method for early detection of hyperkyphosis in older individuals, particularly those who cannot stand for long and cannot access radiology.

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How to Cite
Intaruk, R., Multakorn, S., Sornsamran, W., Yamtawech, M., Amatachaya, S., Amatachaya, P., & Thaweewannakij, T. (2024). Interpretability and appropriate cut-off score of occiput-bed distance to indicate risk of hyperkyphosis in older adults. Journal of Associated Medical Sciences, 57(3), 30–35. retrieved from
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