Breast cancer characterization using region-based convolutional neural network with screening and diagnostic mammogram

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Jaroonroj Wongnil
Anchali Krisanachinda
Rajalida Lipikorn


Background: Detection and classification of microcalcifications in breast tissues is crucial for early breast cancer diagnosis and long-term treatment.

Objective: This paper aims to propose a robust model capable of detection and classification of breast cancer calcifications in digital mammogram images using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNN).

Materials and methods: An expert breast radiologist annotated the 3,265 clinical mammogram images to create a comprehensive ground truth dataset comprising 2,500 annotations for malignant and benign calcifications. This dataset was utilized to train our model, a two-stage detection system incorporating a Region-based Convolutional Neural Network (RCNN) with AlexNet and support vector machines to enhance the system’s robustness. The proposed model was compared to the one-stage detection, utilizing YOLOv4 combined with the Cross-Stage Partial Darknet53 (CSPDarknet53) architecture. A separate dataset of 504 mammogram images was explicitly set aside for model testing. The efficacy of the proposed model was evaluated based on key performance metrics, including precision, recall, F1 score, and mean average precision (mAP).

Results: The results showed that the proposed RCNN-2 model could automatically identify and categorize calcifications as malignant or benign, outperforming the YOLOv4 models. The RCNN-2’s overall effectiveness, as evaluated by precision, recall, F1 score, and mean average precision (mAP), achieved scores of 0.82, 0.85, 0.83, and 0.74, respectively.

Conclusion: The proposed RCNN-2 model demonstrates very effective detection and classification of calcification in mammogram images, especially in high-dense breast images. The performance of the proposed model was compared to that of YOLOv4, and it can be concluded that the proposed RCNN model yields outstanding performance. The model can be a helpful tool for radiologists.

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How to Cite
Wongnil, J., Krisanachinda, A., & Lipikorn, R. (2024). Breast cancer characterization using region-based convolutional neural network with screening and diagnostic mammogram. Journal of Associated Medical Sciences, 57(3), 8–17. retrieved from
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