Review article: An overview of exosomes in biology and their potential applications in regenerative medicine

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Jose James
Janardhana PB
K.R. Padma
K.R. Don


          Extracellular vesicles (EVs), commonly acknowledged as Exosomes, are tiny, single-membrane, secreted organelles that range in size from 40 to 150 nm. They are noticeably abundant in various proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and glycoconjugates and share the same structure as cells. Numerous and non-hematopoietic cell types continuously manufacture and release stable, less toxic, and biocompatible exosomes with many complex compounds (in the form of various signaling molecules, miRNA, and mRNA) in the liquid parts of the body. Exosomes help in intercellular communication/transfer of proteins, RNA, cell differentiation, immune signaling, delivering antigens, angiogenesis, and stress response. In recent studies, researchers found that Mesenchymal Stem cells (MSCs) generate exosomes that symbolize biological processes like tissue regeneration by encasing and delivering active biomolecular species to the infected/damaged cells and tissues. The most extensive research in regenerative medicine has focused on MSCs-Exosomes. Regenerative medicine plays a crucial role in restoring the damaged/lost parts of organs and tissues and aiding in wound healing. Immunomodulation and tissue repair are possible by introducing Mesenchymal Stem cell (MSC) exosomes, which have triggered remodeling reactions. They produce local anti-inflammatory and healing signals crucial for regeneration and tissue repair. The primary goal of this review is to highlight the MSCs-exosome’s mechanism of action and its therapeutic uses in clinical settings. Also, it highlights new developments in employing MSCsexosomes to treat various ailments and disorders.

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How to Cite
James, J., PB, J., Padma, K., & Don, K. (2024). Review article: An overview of exosomes in biology and their potential applications in regenerative medicine. Journal of Associated Medical Sciences, 57(3), 138–154. retrieved from
Review Articles
Author Biography

K.R. Padma, Department of Biotechnology, Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam (Women’s University), Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India

Assistant Professor


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