Review article: Telerehabilitation interventions for rehabilitation and management of post-COVID-19 patients: A comprehensive review

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Simaporn Promsarn
Wilawan Ketpan
Rattanapond Pankratuk
Pairoj Suraprapapich


The COVID-19 pandemic has posed significant challenges to healthcare systems worldwide, impacting patients during the disease’s acute and post-acute phases. Telerehabilitation has emerged as a promising approach to address the rehabilitation needs of individuals recovering from COVID-19. This comprehensive review examines the effectiveness and feasibility of telerehabilitation strategies for managing post[1]acute COVID-19 symptoms and promoting recovery. Through a systematic review and meta-analysis, various studies have demonstrated the potential benefits of telerehabilitation interventions in improving functional capacity, exercise perception, and quality of life among post-COVID-19 patients. Telerehabilitation programs have been successfully implemented across primary care settings, offering supervised home-based exercise training that targets physical and respiratory functions. Moreover, innovative tools such as mobile applications have been employed to enhance patient engagement and track progress. While the evidence indicates positive outcomes, there is a need for further investigation to explore the effects of telerehabilitation on additional variables such as cardiopulmonary function, anxiety, depression, and long-term outcomes. Despite limitations, telerehabilitation has shown promise in addressing the persistent symptoms and complications associated with post-acute COVID-19 syndrome. The integration of telerehabilitation into clinical care frameworks has the potential to improve patient access, engagement, and overall recovery during the ongoing pandemic and beyond. Continued research and development are essential to optimize telerehabilitation strategies for long-term COVID-19 management.

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How to Cite
Promsarn, S. ., Ketpan, W. ., Pankratuk, R. ., & Suraprapapich, P. . (2024). Review article: Telerehabilitation interventions for rehabilitation and management of post-COVID-19 patients: A comprehensive review. Journal of Associated Medical Sciences, 57(3), 184–191. retrieved from
Review Articles


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