Efficacy of Focused Shockwave Therapy for Treating Chronic Non-calcific and Calcific Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy

การศึกษาผลการรักษาเอ็นไหล่เสื่อมเรื้อรังที่มีพยาธิสภาพแบบไม่มีผลึกเกาะ และมีผลึกเกาะด้วยคลื่นกระแทกแบบหัวตำแหน่งเฉพาะ


  • ฐิติพร ภักดีพิบูลย์ Ramathibodi hospitalMahidol University
  • ปัธวีร์ ทิพย์ทวีชาญ
  • วารี จิรอดิศัย Ramathibodi hospitalMahidol University


rotator cuff tendinopathy, focused shockwave therapy, Constant-Murley score, เอ็นไหล่เสื่อมเรื้อรัง, คลื่นกระแทกแบบหัวตำแหน่งเฉพาะ, คะแนนคอนสแตนท์-เมอร์เลย์


Objectives: To evaluate efficacy of focused shockwave therapy in patients with chronic non-calcific and calcific rotator cuff tendinopathy.

Study design: Experimental clinical study

Setting: Rehabilitation Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital.

Subjects: Patients with chronic rotator cuff tendinopathy aged 18 or older.

Methods:  All participants’ shoulder  were evaluated by using diagnostic shoulder ultrasonography, and later received weekly focused shockwave therapy (FSWT) at energy flux density of 0.20-0.25 mJ/mm2, frequency of 4-5 Hz, 2,000 pulses per session for 3 weeks with standard exercises for chronic rotator cuff tendinopathy. Constant-Murley score (CMS) were evaluated before, 3, 6 and 12 weeks after treatment.

Results: Twenty-four patients (27 shoulders) with mean age (SD) of 60.30 (9.62) were recruited including 8 males and 16 females. Mean CMS (SD) at pre- and 12 weeks post- treatment in non-calcific group were 55.47 (14.83) and 75.07 (12.60) whereas in calcific group were 47.17 (9.67) and 75.75 (6.50), respectively. When comparing between pre- and 12 weeks post- treatment, the CMS increased significantly in both non-calcific and calcific groups (p<0.0001) but no significant difference between groups at pre- (p=0.1070) and 12 weeks post-treatment (p=0.8662).

Conclusion: Focused shockwave therapy with standard exercises for chronic rotator cuff tendinopathy is effective in chronic rotator cuff tendinopathy either non-calcific and calcific.

Keywords: rotator cuff tendinopathy, focused shockwave therapy, Constant-Murley score


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How to Cite

ภักดีพิบูลย์ ฐ, ทิพย์ทวีชาญ ป, จิรอดิศัย ว. Efficacy of Focused Shockwave Therapy for Treating Chronic Non-calcific and Calcific Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy: การศึกษาผลการรักษาเอ็นไหล่เสื่อมเรื้อรังที่มีพยาธิสภาพแบบไม่มีผลึกเกาะ และมีผลึกเกาะด้วยคลื่นกระแทกแบบหัวตำแหน่งเฉพาะ. ASEAN J Rehabil Med [internet]. 2019 Apr. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];29(1):2-7. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/aseanjrm/article/view/89809



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