About the Journal

ASEAN Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (ASEAN J Rehabil Med)


Kingkaew Pajareya


Focus and Scope

ASEAN Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (ASEAN J Rehab Med) is a platform for fostering researchers in rehabilitation medicine across ASEAN countries and beyond, promoting knowledge sharing and innovation in the field. The journal encourages local and international researchers to submit studies addressing rehabilitation challenges in Southeast Asia. It promotes an interdisciplinary approach to rehabilitation issues by attracting diverse authors and reviewers, incorporating various perspectives and methodologies. All articles are open-access, providing unrestricted access to all readers on the journal website. 

The owner, the editor, the editorial board members, the reviewers, and the authors follow the ethical guidelines of a peer-reviewed medical journal based on the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Please refer to the Publication Ethics section for more details. 

The journal covers the following scope of contents:

  • Treatment Interventions: Explore various treatment methods for individuals with disabilities, including medications, exercise programs, physical modalities, functional training, education, psycho-social intervention, orthotic devices, or prostheses.
  • Measurements in Rehabilitation: Investigate innovative assessment tools designed for specific populations or conditions related to rehabilitation and compare these new tools with established measurement methods.
  • Prognostic Factors: Examine the factors influencing successful rehabilitation outcomes across different disabilities.
  • Other Relevant Research: Study factors affecting rehabilitation training programs or other innovative aspects of rehabilitation practices.

 Type of Submission

 ASEAN J Rehabil Med invites the following submissions:

  • Systematic Review/Meta-analysis: A systematic review article systematically assesses previously published research. Some systematic reviews include a meta-analysis component involving statistical techniques to synthesize the data from several studies into a single quantitative estimate or summary effect size.
  • Original article: An original article is research that conducts experiments or observations. The article states a novel research hypothesis and addresses the research question using scientific methods. The scientific methods and results of the study are explicitly reported.
  • Short communication: A short communication is an academic article similar to an original article but more concise. It is written on a topic requiring communication to draw the scientific community's attention.
  • Case series: A case series is a descriptive, observational study of a series of cases, typically describing a condition's manifestations, clinical course, and prognosis. It is considered when information is available on more than three patients.
  • Case report: A case report is an interesting case that shows an essential variation of a disease or condition or unexpected events that may yield new or valuable information for sharing lessons learned.                      

Please refer to the Submission section for more details on the format and requirements of each submission type.

Peer Review Process

All submitted manuscripts are screened by the editor and checked for plagiarism. A similarity rate exceeding 25 percent is considered indicative of high plagiarism. If a manuscript passes the screenings, it will undergo a rigorous double-blind review process by at least three expert reviewers. A manuscript may be rejected, declined, or suggested for submission elsewhere if it is not qualified or does not conform to the journal's aim and scope. Please refer to the Peer Review Process section for more details on the peer review process and flow chart.

Publication Frequency

ASEAN J Rehabil Med published three issues a year: (1)  January-April (2)  May-August (3)  September-December

Each issue contains 6-8 articles.

Direct Marketing

ASEAN J Rehabil Med does not engage in any direct marketing practices. The journal employs promotion activities to social media groups and academic conference meetings while maintaining ethical standards. Our approach involves targeted outreach to researchers in the relevant fields, ensuring accurate and informative communication about the journal. 


ASEAN J Rehabil Med is owned by the Thai Rehabilitation Medicine Association, which oversees its publication and fully funds all associated management expenses. The association also facilitates operations and management to maintain high publication standards, implement strict peer review processes, and ensure open access for readers worldwide. However, this funding does not influence the editorial board's decision on reviewing or publishing articles.

Publication Fee

Accepted articles in ASEAN J Rehabili Med are published without publication charges. However, if the policy changes, all authors and readers will be informed in advance.


Starting from the third issue of 2022, ASEAN J Rehabil Med no longer accepts funding through advertisement as part of the journal policy. This change has been implemented to maintain the integrity and focus of the journal's content, ensuring that it remains independent and free from external influences. The information about academic conferences and activities related to rehabilitation is periodically posted on the journal website. Sharing this content does not affect our publication standards.

Copyright and Licensing

In the submission process, the Thai Rehabilitation Medicine Association, as a publisher, requires the authors to sign a Copyright Transfer Agreement, which is legally binding and grants the Thai Rehabilitation Medicine Association non-exclusive to distribute the article.

The articles in ASEAN Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine are published under the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial No Derivatives (CC BY-NC-ND) license: Credit must be given to the creator. Only noncommercial uses of the work are permitted. No derivatives or adaptations of the work are permitted.

The authors retain certain rights to reproduce or adapt the article and reproduce adaptations of the article for any purpose other than the commercial exploitation of a work similar to the original.

Journal History

Our Journal originated in 1991 when the Thai Rehabilitation Medicine Association launched the Journal of Thai Rehabilitation Medicine (J Thai Rehabil Med). Initially published in Thai, it has been recognized by Thai - Journal Citation Index (TCI) and the ASEAN Citation Index (ACI) since 2016, serving as a foundational resource for Thai rehabilitation literature.

Through a transformative evolution, the journal's name was changed to the ASEAN Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine (ASEAN J Rehabil Med) in 2019. In 2020, we began publishing exclusively in English, featuring medical articles in three regular issues annually. Our publication has consistently achieved tier 1 status in Thai - Journal Citation Index (TCI) for its quality.


Office Address:

Thai Rehabilitation Medicine Association
11th Floor, Royal Golden Jubilee Buildings, 2SoiSoonvijai, New Petchburi Road, Bangkok, Thailand 10310
Tel. 0-2716-6808 
E-mail address: asean.jrm@gmail.com