การศึกษาความตรงเชิงเกณฑ์ของแบบสอบถาม PHQ-9 และ PHQ-2 ฉบับภาษาไทย ในการคัดกรองโรคซึมเศร้าในผู้สูงอายุชาวไทย

การศึกษาความตรงเชิงเกณฑ์ของแบบสอบถาม PHQ-9 และ PHQ-2 ฉบับภาษาไทย ในการคัดกรองโรคซึมเศร้าในผู้สูงอายุชาวไทย


  • สฤษดิ์พงศ์ แซ่หลี
  • ปิยะภัทร เดชพระธรรม


validity, major depression, Patient Health Questionnaire, PHQ-9, PHQ-2


Objectives: To assess the criterion validity of the Thai version of the 9- and the 2-questions of the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9 and PHQ-2) as screening instruments for major depression in Thai elderly.

Study design: Cross sectional analytic study

Setting: The outpatient clinic and the inpatient ward of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, the inpatient wards of the Department of Internal Medicine and the geriatric clinic, Siriraj Hospital

Subjects: Thai patients, aged more than or equal to 60 years, attending at Siriraj Hospital during October 2014-September 2015

Methods: Each patient was assessed by the Thai version of the PHQ-9 and the Thai version of major depressive episode module of Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I.). The PHQ-2 consisted of the first 2 questions of the PHQ-9. Criterion validity was examined by creating the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. The area under ROC curve, cut-off score, sensitivity and specificity of the PHQ-9 and the PHQ-2 were retrieved.

Results: A total of 384 patients were enrolled in the study. The mean age was 71.2 years (SD = 7.59) and 65.6% of them were females. Participants who met the M.I.N.I. criteria for major depression were 13.2%. The area under the ROC curve (AUC) for the PHQ-9 was 0.96 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.94-0.98). Using the cut-off score of 10, the sensitivity and specificity of the PHQ-9 were 90% and 89%, respectively. The AUC for the PHQ-2 was 0.85 (95% CI, 0.79-0.91). Using the cut-off score of 2, the sensitivity and specificity of the PHQ-2 were 80% and 73%, respectively.

Conclusion: The Thai versions of the PHQ-9 and the PHQ-2 have acceptable sensitivity and specificity for screening major depression in Thai elderly with the optimal cut-off score of 10 and 2, respectively.

Author Biography

ปิยะภัทร เดชพระธรรม

Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10700, Thailand

Tel. 66-2-4112408

Fax 66-2-411-4183

E-mail: piyapat.daj@mahidol.ac.th


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