


  • สริสสา แรงกล้า
  • ปวีณ์สุดา เดชะรินทร์
  • จิรภา แจ่มไพบูลย์


Thai style music, exercise, treadmill


Objectives: To compare perceived exertion and physiological responses during treadmill walking between listening to Thai music and no music in untrained adults.

Study design: Assessor blinded, crossover, randomized control trial.

Setting: Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital

Subjects: Untrained healthy volunteers aged 18-59 years

Methods: Participants were assessed baseline data (age, weight, height, heart rate, blood pressure) then randomized into 2 groups. First group listen to Thai contemporary music selected from four types of music (Thai pop, Looktung, Lookkrung and Peuchevit) while performing treadmill exercise at 60% HRmax for 20 minutes, washout 1 week then performed treadmill exercise again without listening to music. Second group the order was reversed. RPE, SBP, maximum speed, total distant and enjoyment VAS were recorded for each exercise session.

Results: 30 volunteers, 13 males and 17 females were recruited. 2 males dropped out, one from each group. Mean RPE was significantly lower listening to music (11.29) comparing with no music (12.37, p < 0.001).  Mean enjoyment VAS was significantly greater while listening to music (6.92) comparing with no music (4.37, p<0.001). No statistically significant difference regarding SBP, speed and total distant.

Conclusion: Music can decrease RPE and increase enjoyment during treadmill exercise at fixed work load.



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