Comparison of Walking and Balance Control between Gait and Balance Training on Perturbation Treadmill and Overground in Individuals with Chronic Stroke
stroke, walking, postural balance, perturbation treadmill, gait trainingAbstract
Objectives: To study changes in walking and balance control after receiving two different gait and balance training programs in stroke patients.
Study design: Asssessor-blinded randomized controlled trial.
Setting: Sirindhorn National Medical Rehabilitation Institute, Thailand.
Subjects: Outpatients with chronic stroke with ability to walk without ambulatory aids for at least 10 meters.
Methods: Eligible participants were randomized to experimental group of training on perturbation treadmill and control group of training on overground. Each participant received the assigned training which lasted 30 minutes per session, 3 days per week, for 4 weeks. Before the trainings, both groups received a bench exercise program for 30 minutes. Primary outcome was Timed Up and Go (TUG) test and secondary outcomes was Berg Balance Scale. The outcomes were assessed before and after completion of 12 training sessions.
Results: Only 9 participants in each group completed the study. Both groups had a decrease in TUG time and an increased in BBS score but only the latter reached statistical significant level (p < 0.05). There were no significant changes in pre-post differerence of TUG (experiment 1.10 vs control 1.18, p = 0.96) and BBS score (experiment 1.44.vs control 2.89, p = 0.17) between the two groups.
Conclusions: Due to small sample size, it is inconclusive that 12 sessions of 30-minute gait and balance training on perturba-tion treadmill improved walking and balance control same as overground training did in individuals with chronic stroke. A further study with adequate sample size should be done.
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