Improvement of Cadres’ and Health Care Workers’ Knowledge of Diabetic Foot Care and Rehabilitation with Community-Based Rehabilitation Webinar Program in Indonesia


  • Melinda Harini Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia-Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Widjajalaksmi Kusumaningsih
  • Ira Mistivani
  • Herdiman Bernard Purba
  • Deddy Tedjasukmana
  • Peggy Sunarjo
  • Ibrahim Agung
  • Fitri Anestherita
  • Lucya Putri Juwita Edwin Goutama
  • Ega Jaya
  • Lili Dwiyani
  • Lina Maylani
  • Nasya Marisyka Putri
  • Rimnauli Deasy Putryanti Sinaga
  • Sagung Adi Sresti Mahayana
  • Tiffany Sofian
  • Zenik Kusrini
  • Annisa Maharani
  • Yunisa Trivarsary
  • Gilang Rama Putra


community-based rehabilitation, diabetic foot, rehabilitation, webinar


Objectives: To analyse the effect of a community-based rehabilitation (CBR) webinar program on cadres’ and health care workers’ knowledge of diabetic foot care and rehabilitation.

Study design: A quasi-experimental study.

Setting: Public Health Center of Kepulauan Seribu, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Subjects: Thirty-five Cadres and health care workers who voluntarily registered and attended a 6-session webinar program on diabetic foot care and rehabilitation.

Methods: The webinar program consisted of 3 topics: 2 sessions on early detection, 1 session on prevention, and 3 sessions on basic rehabilitative management of diabetic foot care. The participants had to complete a pre-test before each webinar session to assess their basic knowledge of each topic and a post-test to re-assess newly learned knowledge. The scores of the pre- and post-tests were then analyzed using the Wilcoxon-Signed rank test to measure the improvement of the participants’ knowledge.

Results: The pre-test scores showed that basic knowledge was highest in the early detection topic and least in the basic rehabilitative management. The post-test scores were increased significantly in most of the webinar sessions (p-value < 0.05), except in the 4th session (p-value > 0.05).

Conclusion: The 6-session CBR webinar program on diabetic foot care improved cadres’ and health care workers’ knowledge of diabetic foot care and rehabilitation. A subsequent study to evaluate the implementation of the webinar CBR program for patients with diabetic foot in Kepulauan Seribu is needed.


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