The Thai Red Cross Fall Risk Assessment and Prevention (TRC-FRAP) Guidelines



  • อนมล ตั้งเจตน์ Vajira hospital
  • ขวัญยุพา สุคนธมาน


Falling, Inpatient, fall risk assessment tool, falling, Inpatient, fall risk assessment tool


Objectives: Primary objective was to reduce the incidence and serious complications of fall at theThai Red Cross Rehabilitation Center. Secondary objective was to assess satisfaction and problem of using the Thai Red Cross fall risk assessment and prevention (TRC-FRAP) guidelines.

Study design: A prospective cohort study.

Setting: The Thai Red Cross Rehabilitation Center.

Subjects: Patients aged at least 18 years old admitted for rehabilitation.

Methods: The risk of falls of 282 inpatients was assessed within 24 hours after admission and each patient received fall prevention program according to their risks: low, moderate or high following the guideline of TRC-FRAP.  The incidence of fall, details of fall (cause, time, and place) and severity of injury were collected. The multivariate analysis was carried out using logistic regression to evaluate the risk factors of fall. Satisfaction of using the TRC-FRAP was evaluated by nurses at the end of the study.

Results: Ten patients (3.5%) fell buthad no serious injuries. The fall rate was 1.3 per 1000 occupied bed days. The factor that has significantly associated with fall in the multivariable analysis was younger age (p=0.032, 95%CI=0.934-0.997). In addition, 80% of falls occurred during daytime, 40% at bedside and 30% while transferring.

Conclusion: After implementation of the TRC-FRAP guideline, the incidence of falls during inpatient rehabilitation was 3.5% with a fall rate of 1.3 per 1000 occupied bed days. Attention should be at younger patients and during transfer.

Keywords: falls, incidence, risk assessment, inpatients, prevention


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How to Cite

ตั้งเจตน์ อ, สุคนธมาน ข. The Thai Red Cross Fall Risk Assessment and Prevention (TRC-FRAP) Guidelines: แนวทางการป้องกันการหกล้มในผู้ป่วยในของศูนย์เวชศาสตร์ฟื้นฟูสภากาชาดไทย. ASEAN J Rehabil Med [internet]. 2019 Apr. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 13];29(1):14-20. available from:



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