


  • ศุภศิลป์ จำปานาค 65/2 M.5 Thajaosanook Tharua Ayutthaya Thailand 13130


neuropathic pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, electrodiagnosis, Thai DN4 questionnaire


Objectives: To determine prevalence of neuropathic pain (NeuP) and to investigate the relationship between the presence of neuropathic pain assessed by the Thai language of the NeuP diagnostic questionnaire (Thai DN4) and electrodiagnostic severity in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS).

Study design: Descriptive cross-sectional study.

Setting: Electrodiagnostic clinic, Saraburi Hospital.

Subjects: Ninety-one patients diagnosed with CTS.

Methods: All hands were assessed with the Thai DN4 questionnaire. A score of four or more was defined as pain dominated with neuropathic mechanisms. The severity of CTS was diagnosed as minimal, mild, moderate, severe, or extremely severe according to the results of the median nerve conduction studies (NCSs).

Results: Ninety-one patients with a total of 160 hands were diagnosed with CTS (13 [14.29%] men and 78 [85.71%] women). According to the severity of CTS, four hands (2.5%) were cate-gorized as minimal, 36 (22.5%) as mild, 95 (59.38%) as moderate, 14 (8.75%) as severe and 11 (6.88%) as extremely severe. Prevalence of NeuP was 45.63% and there was a statistically significant relation between NeuP assessed with the Thai DN4 questionnaire and electrodiagnostic severity in patients with CTS (p < 0.05), the more severe degree of CTS, the increasing the percentage of NeuP.

Conclusion: In patients with CTS, the prevalence of NeuP assessed by the Thai DN4 questionnaire was 45.63% and there was a statistically significant relation between the presence of NeuP and electrodiagnostic severity of CTS.


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