Factors related to musculoskeletal disorders, computer vision syndrome (CVS), and stress among university library staff in Lampang province, Thailand
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The university library staff engage in multifaceted tasks, primarily focused on computer-related activities aimed at enhancing information services and library resources. Consequently, they are at risk of experiencing musculoskeletal disorders, Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), and stress. This study aims to assess the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders, CVS, and stress among university library staff, and to identify factors related with these issues by utilizing a cross-sectional analytical study design. Data were collected from 30 full-time university library staff members who had been employed in information services and library resources for a minimum of one year at a university library in Lampang province, Thailand. Data collection methods included interviews, questionnaires assessing musculoskeletal abnormalities, ergonomics risk assessment, CVS-Q evaluation, light intensity measurement, and stress assessment. The study was conducted during regular university academic semesters. Results indicate that over 30% of our sample reported musculoskeletal abnormalities in the neck, upper back, and lower back regions. Additionally, over 50% of the sample experienced CVS with low stress levels. The Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) was employed to assess ergonomic risks in computer workstation settings, revealing that most of our sample fell within the moderate-risk category. However, when the Rapid Office Strain Assessment (ROSA) was used, the majority scored in the high-risk category. Notably, no significant relationship was found between the ergonomic risk levels assessed using RULA and ROSA and the occurrence of musculoskeletal abnormalities in any part of the body. However, musculoskeletal abnormalities in the shoulder area were related with the occurrence of CVS and stress levels in our sample. Factors related with the occurrence of CVS and stress levels included a medical history of allergies and insomnia, respectively. Meanwhile, the computer workstation settings and light intensity levels did not exhibit a significant relationship with the occurrence of CVS and stress levels in our sample. This study reveals several work-related health effects among university library staff and how these health effects influence each other. It is urgent need to plan policies or initiate an appropriate safety, occupational health, and working environment measures to be applied to control and prevent long term work-related health effects for university library staff.
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