Effectiveness of hand care program to reduce finger and hand injuries among doormat workers of a community enterprise in Nakhon Ratchasima province
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The repetitive hand movements required by doormat makers' working long hours can harm their hands. According to previous studies, there were still few hand care programs. Comparison of hands and finger muscles' strength, examining the satisfaction of the hand care program, and comparison of muscle pain in the fingers and hands before and after the program was implemented. This research was a quasi-experimental study measuring before and after implementing the program. Research tools included a personal characteristics questionnaire, fingers and hand pain questionnaire, satisfaction questionnaire, hand grip dynamometer, and a pinch gauge. The findings indicated that most workers were female, 84.62% of the average age was 51.38 ± 5.56 years. The hand care program increased hand grip strength at 5-8 weeks after the test and hand grip force at week 5. In the eighth week following the experiment, the Pinch grip of the right and left fingers rose. At week 5, Finger and hand pain decreased in week 5, and finger and hand pain decreased in weeks 5-8 with statistical significance (P-value <0.05). Satisfaction of doormat makers after using the hand care program showed a high level of satisfaction. This study demonstrated how the strengthening of the fingers and hand muscles could be promoted by employing resistance exercises on the fingers, hand, and whole body among the doormat makers. Continuous muscle exercise resulted in a reduction of finger and hand pain.
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