Prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders and work stress among seed watermelon contract farming in Nongrua district, Khon Kaen province

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Kawinthida Tongluang
Sunisa Chaiklieng
Anousith Syphanh
Pornnapa Suggaravetsiri


This cross-sectional descriptive study aimed to study the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) among seed watermelon contract farming workers in Nong Ruea district, Khon Kaen province, and work stress from contract farming work. There were 259 contract farmers participated in this study and data were collected by using the questionnaire of musculoskeletal disorders severity and frequency (MSFQ) to evaluate the musculoskeletal disorders, and the work ability index of stress assessment form data. MSDs Prevalence and data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, including percentage and frequency. The study found that most of farmers were female (67.57%), aged between 51-60 years (32.82%), body mass index was normal (42.08%). Most of them had income ranging from 10,000-50,000 bahts (77.21%) had been farming less than 10 years of experience of growing seed watermelon (74.90%), had work period more than 5 hours per day (76.83%), exposed to work environment characteristics that included dust (74.90%) and sweltering weather (79.54%). The prevalence of MSDs among seed watermelon contract farmers in the past 6 months was 19.46%, and the top three highest prevalence were found in lower back (56.37%), followed by hip (56.37%), calf (20.85%), respectively. The MSDs symptoms were characterized by frequency and severity, it was found that the areas of greatest frequency were the lower back, lower arm and neck, respectively and the severity at moderate level was found at lower back, knees and calves, respectively. The work stress was found that farmers had high discomfort of workload that should be rectified immediately (83.40%). This study found a high prevalence of MSDs and the high stress of seed watermelon contract farmers. Therefore, there should be further study of risk factors associated with MSDs and ergonomic risk assessment by appropriate tool for agriculturists to improve the problem by identified risk factors for prevention of MSDs and stress among the contract farmers. 

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