Ergonomics risk management for fishermen: a case study of among fishermen in Laemchabang City municipality, Chonburi province

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Kewarin Nitikorn
Parvena Meepradit
Tanongsak Yingratanasuk
Pichitra Patipat


This study aimed to define and evaluate risk management for local fisherman. In Laemchabang City Municipality in Chonburi Province, a single focus group discussion with thirty-six seasoned local fishermen was used to gather data. The researchers carried out their role as moderators in accordance with a six-step process that included defining the issues regarding the occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders derived from risk assessment, outlining the discussion's goal, leading a group discussion, summarizing the discussion, analyzing data, and verifying content validity. The outcome showed that there were three tasks involved in fishing work. Stretching, shifting positions, minimizing bending and twisting, taking brief breaks while working, and assigning more personnel to jobs like catching and sorting were the recommendations for ergonomic risk management. Concerning task transfer, posture modification, decreased bending and twisting, decreased weight of object being lifted, and increased worker numbers were identified. All ergonomic risk management strategy was functional and did not interfere with the operator's ability to do their duties. It was a simple and inexpensive remedy. For the purpose of helping in comprehension and ensure proper execution, ergonomic risk management strategies were accompanied by explanations.

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