A study and tests for the age range at risk to Locomotive syndrome disease by two-step test using new indices

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Chanpen Anurattananon
Prachuab Klomjit
Sittichai Salaem


This research aimed to determine the subjects at risk of Locomotive Syndrome in each age range and suggest the guidance of physical activity by using the two-step gait test with a new index from a sample population of 408 subjects. The age range was divided into six categories: 21-30 years, 31-40 years, 41-50 years, 51-60 years, 61-70 years, and 71 years up, each age range consisted of 68 subjects, with 34 females and 34 males. A two-step test score was calculated and 95% confidence interval was determined for declaring the lower and upper bound. The prediction value from multiple linear regression equations was calculated to compare with the lower bound for indicating the risk of Locomotive Syndrome and compare with new indices (Two-step test score < 1.1 and Two-step test score < 1.3). Multiple Linear Regression equation with factors of gender, age range, and levels of exercise activity was analyzed. Binary Logistic Regression was analyzed for determining that gender and age range influence risk of Locomotive Syndrome. The result was found that the sample population in both genders had upper and lower bounds in the same direction, that was the older the age range, the lower the range of 95% confidence interval and the increased risk of Locomotive Syndrome in the older age range. In summary, considering the three factors of gender, age range, and level of exercise, it can be concluded that the subjects had a risk of Locomotive syndrome.

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