Develop and test the effectiveness of the mobile application for standing work safety

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Pichitra Patipat
Parvena Meepradit
Komate Amphawan
Thippharat Nakmon


The purpose of this study was to develop and test the effectiveness of a mobile application for standing work safety .  The study process was divided into 3 steps including 1) the determination of safe standing measures, 2) the creating applications for standing work safety in the form of mobile application, and 3) the trial programs created. The 180 standing workers participated in this study. Satisfaction and pain sensation in the calf and foot muscles were assessed after the trial run. The application can be installed through via the Play Store for Android users with the keyword "Safety Standing". The results of the study showed that the sample group was satisfied with the composition, and the usability of most programs is at a high level. After the trial run of the program, the feeling of calf pain was significantly reduced for 2 weeks (p<0.05) and the sensation of foot pain was significantly reduced after just 1 week (p<0.001). Therefore, it can be concluded that the safety standing application in the form of a mobile phone application can help reduce pain in the calf and feet. As well as causing satisfaction in use that will result in the safety of the workers' standing.

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