Association of ergonomic assessment techniques to assess the risk of upper limb musculoskeletal disorders (LUBA and RULA techniques): A case study of workers' posture in gas lighter assembly

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Nicharuch Panjaphothiwat
Warangkana Sintuya
Prakasit Tonchoy


Work-related musculoskeletal disorders are health effects arising from exposure to ergonomic hazards. Selecting an appropriate ergonomic assessment tool can reduce and prevent the risk of injury or illness. This study aims to assess the risk of musculoskeletal disorders and determine the effectiveness of the relationship between LUBA and RULA assessment techniques in predicting upper limb musculoskeletal disorders. The study was conducted on 27 gas lighter assembly enterprise in Chiang Rai. The musculoskeletal disorders were gathered by using standardized Nordic questionnaires, and three different work postures, that are: 1) insert equipment posture, 2) fire inspection posture, and 3) electric screw posture, were assessed for ergonomic risk by using the LUBA and RULA assessment techniques. The results revealed that the right-side shoulder had the highest prevalence of MSDs (50%), followed by the right-side hand/wrist (41.67%). Ergonomic assessment risk showed that the LUBA technique identified a medium and high risk level (42.6%) and the RULA technique identified a medium risk level (100%). The Spearman's correlation revealed a significant difference between LUBA and RULA of electric screw posture at the left side (p<0.05), but there was no significant difference in insert equipment posture at the right side (p=0.243), left side (p=0.131), and fire inspection posture at the right side (p=0.268), left side (p=0.262). Therefore, the selection of ergonomic risk assessment techniques should be considered in accordance with assessment objectives, work characteristics or positions, and the accuracy of the tool in order to get an accurate risk and lead to the correct approach to problem solving.

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