The effectiveness of improvement of kitchen turner handle for reducing the risk of shoulder and low back muscle in stir-frying task among cooks at nutrition unit in a hospital

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์Nath Punpleng
Pravena Meepradit
Tanongsak Yingratanasuk


The use of the kitchen turner with the improper handle length and grip position in a stir-frying task increases the ergonomic risk and exertion of the shoulder and lower back muscles of the cook. This research aimed to assess the effectiveness of improvement of the length of the kitchen turner handle and the grip position by applying the Pythagorean theorem. Overall, 19 stir-frying cookers from the nutrition department of a hospital who met the inclusion criteria were recruited to participate in this study. The research instruments of this study included the structured questionnaire, the Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) and the electromyography (EMG). Using the improved turner handle, the results revealed that the mean REBA scores of the dominant and non-dominant shoulders were decreased significantly (p < 0.01). In the lower back assessment, the mean REBA score was also reduced significantly (p < 0.01) after the improvement. For the evaluation of muscle exertion using EMG after the improvement of the handle, it showed that the mean percentage of maximum voluntary contraction (%MVC) of the anterior deltoid muscle on the dominant side and the posterior deltoid muscles on the dominant and non-dominant sides were decreased significantly (p < 0.01). In addition, the mean of %MVC of Erector spinae muscles of both dominant and non-dominant sides and Latissimus dorsi muscles of both dominant and non-dominant sides was decreased significantly (p < 0.01). The results from this study showed the applying Pythagorean theorem for the length of the kitchen turner handle and the grip position could reduce the ergonomic risk on the shoulder and lower back muscles. Therefore, it may be used as a basis for further development of handle designs in other devices.

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