The information perception, attitude and participation in sample social media

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Prachuab Klomjit
Alongkorn Chatmuangpa
Chalalai Wongwian


This study has two purposes 1) to study basic knowledge of perception, attitude and participation of change in organizations and 2) to study the response of perception from social media which is related to the attitude of the social media users, by studying the dissemination of concepts and methods of poverty in China and Bangladesh. This study uses the dissemination of events from both countries and analyzes theories related to poverty. Including the study of the influence of information perception on social media and individual difference perception of persons. The study found that the motivation theories and organizational change management concepts Is involved and influences the successful implementation of poverty. Differences in opinions arising from the perception of information on social media is relevant to the presentation of social media. The differences in presentations and individual difference perception of social media user cause different opinions. In which various opinions may affect organizational or social changes in the future.

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