Back belt application on trunk muscle fatigue in lifting
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To study the effects of back belt application on trunk muscle fatigue during repetitive lifting. Eighteen healthy subjects (12 females and 6 males), Age 27.78 ±3.54 years, Body Mass Index (BMI) 20.48 ±1.53 kg./m.2, had no experiences wearing a back belt. The lifting task was to lift and lower a wooden box on an adjustable shelf. Lifting weight was equal to 10 % of the subjects’ body weight and the test lasted for 12 min. Electromyography of four trunk muscles on the left side, multifidus (MF), erector spinae (ES), transversus abdominis/internal abdominal oblique (TrA/IO) and external abdominal oblique (EO), were recorded at the beginning and every 3-minute of each test. At min 3, the percent median frequency of MF in with back belt condition was significantly decreased with a larger reduction than without a back belt (p<0.05). At min 9 and 12, percent median frequency of EO in with back belt condition was significantly decreased with a larger reduction than without a back belt (p<0.05). For the main effect of time on percent median frequency reduction was significant in MF (p<0.001), ES (p<.001) and EO (p<0.001). The interaction between back belt and time on percent median frequency reduction was found significant only in MF. (p<0.001). Back belt application condition showed a larger reduction of percent median frequency over time than without back belt condition especially in MF and EO. In conclusion, a back belt application during lifting increases muscle fatigue in some trunk muscles, the uses of the back belt based upon ergonomic criteria should call into question the recommended prescription of the devices under the presumption of hazard control.
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