Health and factors related to low back discomfort among delivery truck drivers, delivery business, Bangkok

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Thanutporn Tubrod
Suchinda Jarupat Maruo
Densak Yogyorn
Sara Arphorn


This cross-sectional study aimed to determine the health status focused on low back discomfort and the association between working factors and low back discomfort. One-hundred delivery truck drivers, who worked in a delivery business in Bangkok, Thailand, were selected using simple random sampling. The instrument of this research was a self-administrative questionnaire that was adapted from the whole-body vibration: health surveillance guideline and the information gained from the review literatures. This questionnaire consisted of questions on driving behavior, cockpit of seat, working posture, vibration exposure (feeling), behavior pattern and driving environment. The rate of low back discomfort was determined by frequency, mean, and SD while the relationship between factors and low back discomfort was determined by Fisher’s exact test. The result showed 44 percent of low back discomfort in this group. The significantly relationship between working factors and low back discomfort were found from the posture when pushing and lifting weight, driving velocity and road surface at p-value 0.03, 0.01 and 0.04, respectively. This study noticeably confirmed that driving posture, driving behavior and driving environment related low back discomfort among delivery truck drivers, in this delivery business in Bangkok. Hence, the safety of driving among delivery truck drivers doesn’t demonstrate only from drivers themself but also from several kinds of working factors such as being careful of driving posture, driving behavior and the road surface. This study recommended that an uncomfortable feeling of body parts can contribute to musculoskeletal conditions. Therefore, it could be one important and practical parameter of the prevention tools for ergonomic health surveillance for drivers.

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