Biological Clock Model for the Well Elderly in Community

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Chuthamat Baokhumkong
Kulchaya Loyha
Wilas Kampangsri
Kornwika Harasan
Surat Haruay


This research aimed to develop model of biological clock for the well elderly in community. This participatory action research was divided into 3 phases : Phase I investigated the situations about health care of the well elderly in community by collecting data from the questionnaires with the target group at 100 participants, focus group discussion of 10 stakeholders and group elder’s representatives. Phase II developed the model of biological clock for the well elderly in community by planning, action, observation and reflection and the 50 targets were selected. Phases III evaluated the health care model by collecting data from health status assessment from 20 targets. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentage and average were used to analyzed the data. In phase I, results showed that most of them had body mass index (BMI) in the obese level 2 which is related to poor eating habits and lacks of hobby activities; and had a mild level of depression. In phase II, results showed that the elderly participated in discussion about the proposed health care activities) (health check-ups in the community, knowledge training and religious activities). In phase III, results showed that the elders had no complications and BMI decreased to level 1. They continued exercising and doing hobbies. Knowledge on the diet and exercise were on a good level and they participated in more social activities. In conclusion, to develop model of biological clock for the well elder in community,the partners in the community need to support the activities of the elderly to follow the biological clock and do the activities continuously.

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